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Hi y’all! I’m Olivia and I’m a very busy lady duck. I landed in the city in January of 2020. I may have been just four weeks old, but I was already strong, confident, and smart. I’m not sure how my humans, the dog, and Gabbster made it all work before I got here!

When I first arrived, I imprinted on the Gabbster. He was a great choice! After all, Gabbster is more than just a handsome beak. He’s a good guy with lots of personality and duck knowledge. He taught me to perch very early. And when you’re a Muscovy duck, perching is important.

Baby pictures are so embarrassing!

Of course, it wasn’t all fun and games. When my first flight feathers came in, I had a case of angel wing. (That’s where my wing feathers grow away from my body making it nearly impossible to fly.) Luckily my human was able to fix it and I became an ace flyer. Which comes in handy if Gabbster gets a bit too, ah, romantic. Being able to fly also lets me see parts of the neighborhood. I like our neighbors and they seem to like ducks… as they should, because ducks are cool.

I’ve laid three clutches of eggs with the Gabbster. Each had between 20 and 41 eggs so that’s a LOT of egg-laying and sitting! Since of course we couldn’t have like a hundred baby ducks running around our yard, my human took care of the eggs. I did keep one though, my very cool son, Bodhi. He’s quite the sweet, handsome duck. I loved giving him piggy (or duck!) back rides. He’s way too big for that now, but I’m pretty sure there are pictures of it somewhere.

I’ve also been a busy mom raising four adoptive ducks as my own. They were a lot of work! Luckily, I’m young and quick, as they kept me hopping and quacking. I enjoyed helping them learn the ins and outs of how to be ducks. I’ve never been a duck who ducks responsibility. Recently, we brought my adoptive kids to their new home. I needed to check it out before I would give my okay. Turns out, it’s a very nice place with lots of room to roam and be ducks. I’m sure they’ll be very happy there!

Chilling with the Gabbster.

If you ask my human or most of the other ducks who joined our duck family, they will tell you I’m a sweety. I like to be picked up and I like to cuddle. I am quite friendly and love hanging out with other creatures. Well, most others. I do have a slight rivalry with the other lady duck of the yard: Sunny. If you ask me, she isn’t aptly named. I think she’s jealous because the Gabbster mostly has eyes for me. I will admit when I was busy with one of my clutches, Gabbster did pay a bit more of attention to Sunny. But now that I’m a lot freer, he thinks of me as his main squeeze again. (What can I say? He’s a fickle male.) I know how we all want someone to love, though, so I’m hoping that Sunny and my sweet Bodhi get together. I think I’d make a great mother-in-law!

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